ORLEN Unipetrol Doprava will equip its train drivers with NavTrain navigation system

ORLEN Unipetrol Doprava, a leading Czech rail freight operator and a member of the refining and petrochemical ORLEN Unipetrol Group, is implementing the state-of-the-art train navigation solution NavTrain for its engine drivers.
Train navigation is heading to the locomotives of the Slovak company LOKORAIL, a.s.

The NavTrain train navigation will be used by drivers from Slovakia, LOKORAIL, a.s. will equip its locomotives with them. The carrier, which deals with freight transport and also operates railway sidings, has also been operating on tracks in the Czech Republic since 2018.
Betrian Group’s navigation and simulator used by Subterra in railway modernization

Betrian Group products are finding applications not only with traditional railway operators like ČD Cargo and METRANS Rail. Recently, the construction company Subterra, which conducts railway modernizations in the Czech Republic and abroad, has adopted the NavTrain and NavSim applications.
Betrian Group products on BF Logistics trains

The number of railway operators using train navigation and simulators from Betrian Group continues to grow. Recently, BF Logistics, a company specializing in freight transportation and railway siding operations, joined the list.
NavTrain across Europe on METRANS rail locomotives

Following ČD Cargo, another major operator, METRANS Rail, has started using the NavTrain navigation system from Betrian Group. METRANS Rail transports containers and other cargo from European ports to terminals in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary. It also holds a license for passenger rail transport.