The number of railway operators using train navigation and simulators from Betrian Group continues to grow. Recently, BF Logistics, a company specializing in freight transportation and railway siding operations, joined the list.
“We had positive references that were confirmed during the trial period. NavTrain and NavSim assist drivers and help prevent errors and human factor failures. Overall, they bring innovation to the work of train drivers,” explains BF Logistics Managing Director Daniel Hubička. The company collaborates with foreign operators, primarily in Germany and Poland. Domestically, in addition to freight transport, it manages the complete operation of 27 railway sidings, providing end-point services for factories and logistics facilities. Founded in 2005, the company handles its transport operations with both owned and leased locomotives powered by diesel and electric traction.

Betrian Group values the interest in its train navigation and other products from smaller railway operators. “We receive valuable feedback from these customers because their operations are often very specific, allowing us to improve our products based on their suggestions,” says Petr Sec from Betrian Group, noting that upgrades are a standard part of all orders. “In the case of BF Logistics, the specific requirement is siding operations, although we’ve addressed this with other operators as well, along with connections to Germany and Poland. We see this as yet another challenge to ensure NavTrain includes data from neighboring countries’ tracks to a certain extent, so it can fully serve outside the Czech Republic,” adds Petr Sec.
NavTrain has been in use on Czech railways for over two years, earning the satisfaction of more than 2,000 drivers. The navigation system is also adapted to the specifics of passenger transport, such as frequent stops and operation on local lines.
Betrian Group
Since 2018, the Betrian Group has been focusing on the rail sector in addition to hardware and software development and process digitalization. It is developing the NavSuite ecosystem, which is designed to optimise the planning, monitoring and management of rail traffic. It simplifies complex logistics processes, from planning commodity shipments to managing locomotive maintenance, planning driver shifts and providing real-time navigation support.